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Why it?s so difficult for the Flames to fix their struggling offence

not friendly, easy to deal with, or behaving well: 3. needing…. Learn more. Inopportune or inconvenient. Upsetting, or causing anxiety, sorrow or pain. Causing difficulty or annoyance. Dangerous or full of peril.

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He’s finding it difficult to get a job. 2 PROBLEM involving a lot of problems and causing a lot of trouble or worry a difficult situation Things are a bit difficult at home at the moment. Having a tough time lately?

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How to use difficult in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of difficult. 2011-07-13 Examples of difficult in a sentence, how to use it. 100 examples: At the same time, adverbial licensing is a rather difficult topic, so some… difficult to understand. accede. yield to another's wish or opinion. accost.