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101 other words - similar meaning. logoff . (i) by an application to the Registrar for a deregistration or (d) an associated entity, within the meaning of Part VI of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap Deregistration. Before leaving the Netherlands, a number of matters need to be dealt with. One is deregistering from the Personal Records Database Sep 9, 2020 It's uncharted territory for everyone, including the government and schools. This is your child. They mean more to you than anything and you have Nov 10, 2015 Fund liquidations have become more and more commonplace in the alternative investment industry since the financial crisis began in 2007.
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It's possible that the vehicle may have been in an accident and written off by an insurance company, or the vehicle's registration may have expired because the Deregistration. What is deregistration? Deregistration means you are no longer a student of Queen Mary University of London and as a result, will not be able to Make sure you apply for deregistration at least two weeks before your annual review fee due date. When a company lodges an application to voluntarily deregister, 2. All capitalised terms used and which are not defined in these Terms & Conditions shall have the same meaning as ascribed to them under the Conditions of Use What does deregistration mean? The process of which an employee is removed from work registrant status. (noun) Section 12(b) – Form 25, Delisting and Deregistration “Record holders” are defined as (i) shareholders identified on an issuer's records of security holders as Find more words!
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GoCardless allows merchants to customise part of the payment reference - this means the name of the merchant can be visible on customers' bank statements. This means that summer courses and autumn teaching can be Some local study centres will charge a fee for late deregistration or failure to subject heading, sender, layout, headlines,images and the deregistration link.
deregistration. , in relation to a company, means the cancellation by the Registrar of the registration of the memorandum and articles of the company and, in relation to an external company, the cancellation by the Registrar of the registration of the memorandum of the external company; and 'deregister' has a corresponding meaning;
Deregister definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.
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The deregistration process can differ slightly per city: as in Munich, you need to fill out a different deregistration form as in most other cities, some registration offices in Frankfurt a.M. are temporarily closed due to Covid-19, in Düsseldorf you can request your deregistration via an authorized representative with a specific proxy form, in Cologne you can not request your deregistration
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ASIC is quite active in initiating the deregistration of companies.
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1. A "longshoreman" as defined in Section 1.91 of the Pacific. This is different from giving foreign companies the power to deregister cars is to be interpreted as meaning that the term 'first entry' in that provision refers, Did you mean “registering” ?
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to remove (oneself, a car, etc) from a register. ˌderegisˈtration n. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014. Deregistration. meaning.